Diana Rigueur wins American Association of Anatomists award

Congratulations to Dr. Diana Rigueur, who was awarded the First Place Postdoctoral Poster Presentation Award at the American Association of Anatomists’ 2018 Annual Meeting for her presentation, “Characterization of the FGFR2 M391R conditional knock-in allele: a model for Bent-Bone Dysplasia”. This prestigious award recognizes the best scientific poster presentation at the meeting by a postdoctoral…Continue Reading Diana Rigueur wins American Association of Anatomists award

Ryan Roberts awarded Order of the Torch; gives KSoM commencement address

All of us at CCMB are very proud of newly minted PhD, Dr. Ryan Roberts. Ryan was recently awarded one of USC’s highest honors, being inducted into the Order of the Torch, for his dedication to leadership and community service. He was also selected to deliver a speech at the 2017 Keck School of Medicine…Continue Reading Ryan Roberts awarded Order of the Torch; gives KSoM commencement address

New publication: FGFR2 mutations in bent bone dysplasia syndrome activate nucleolar stress and perturb cell fate determination

Neben CL, Tuzon CT, Mao X, Lay FD, Merrill AE. 2017. FGFR2 mutations in bent bone dysplasia syndrome activate nucleolar stress and perturb cell fate determination. Human Molecular Genetics 26(17): 3253-3270….Continue Reading New publication: FGFR2 mutations in bent bone dysplasia syndrome activate nucleolar stress and perturb cell fate determination

New publication: The African Zika Virus MR-766 is More Virulent and Causes More Severe Brain Damage than Current Asian Lineage and Dengue Virus

Qiang Shao, Stephanie Herrlinger, Ya-Nan Zhu, Mei Yang, Forrest Goodfellow, Steven L Stice, Xiao-Peng Qi, Melinda A Brindley, and Jian-Fu Chen. The African Zika Virus MR-766 is More Virulent and Causes More Severe Brain Damage than Current Asian Lineage and Dengue Virus. Development 2017, in press….Continue Reading New publication: The African Zika Virus MR-766 is More Virulent and Causes More Severe Brain Damage than Current Asian Lineage and Dengue Virus

New article: Dlx5-FGF10 signaling cascade controls cranial neural crest and myoblast interaction during oropharyngeal patterning and development

Sugii H, Grimaldi A, Li J, Parada C, Ho T-V, Feng J, Jing J, Yuan Y, Guo Y, Maeda H, and Chai Y. Dlx5-FGF10 signaling cascade controls cranial neural crest and myoblast interaction during oropharyngeal patterning and development. Development 2017, in press….Continue Reading New article: Dlx5-FGF10 signaling cascade controls cranial neural crest and myoblast interaction during oropharyngeal patterning and development

New article: BMP signaling orchestrates a transcriptional network to control the fate of mesenchymal stem cells in mice

Feng J, Jing J, Li J, Zhao H, Punj V, Zhang T, Xu J, Chai Y. (2017) BMP signaling orchestrates a transcriptional network to control the fate of mesenchymal stem cells in mice. Development 144: 2560-2569. doi: 10.1242/dev.150136…Continue Reading New article: BMP signaling orchestrates a transcriptional network to control the fate of mesenchymal stem cells in mice

Postdoctoral research opportunity

A postdoctoral position is available immediately in Yang Chai’s laboratory at the Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, University of Southern California in Los Angeles. We are interested in the regulation of developmental patterning, organogenesis and mesenchymal stem cells. Our studies will seek to define molecular mechanisms governing both normal and abnormal craniofacial development, providing scientific…Continue Reading Postdoctoral research opportunity

C-DOCTOR to receive $12 million cooperative agreement from NIDCR

The National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research (NIDCR), National Institutes of Health announced Tuesday that the California-based Center for Dental, Oral & Craniofacial Tissue & Organ Regeneration (C-DOCTOR) will be awarded $12 million over the next three years through a cooperative agreement as one of two resource centers comprising the NIDCR’s Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial…Continue Reading C-DOCTOR to receive $12 million cooperative agreement from NIDCR