Jing J, Feng J, Li J, Zhao H, Ho T, He J, Yuan Y, Guo T, Du J, Urata M, Sharpe P, Chai Y. (2020) Reciprocal interaction between mesenchymal stem cells and transit amplifying cells regulates tissue homeostasis. eLife, Accepted….Continue Reading New publication from Chai Lab
Year: 2020
Bobzin wins first prize for SCGDB poster
Congratulations to Lauren Bobzin of Merrill Lab at CCMB, whose poster “Fgfr2 regulates fibrous connective tissue development in cranial sutures” won first prize in the graduate student category at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics & Developmental Biology. Fight on!…Continue Reading Bobzin wins first prize for SCGDB poster
Tenure-track position in the Division of Biological Sciences
The Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology (CCMB, http://ccmb.usc.edu/) of the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of the University of Southern California is recruiting outstanding candidates for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the Division of Biomedical Sciences to conduct cutting-edge research in the areas of cell and developmental biology, tissue regeneration,…Continue Reading Tenure-track position in the Division of Biological Sciences
New paper from Chai lab in Science Advances
Yuan Y., Loh, Y. E., Han, X., Feng, J., Ho. T. V., He, J., Jing, J., Groff, K., Wu, A., and Chai, Y. (2020) Spatiotemporal cellular movement and fate decisions during first pharyngeal arch morphogenesis. Science Advances, in press….Continue Reading New paper from Chai lab in Science Advances
Merrill-Brugger elected VP of SCGDB
Congratulations to Dr. Amy Merrill-Brugger, who has been elected to serve a two-year term as Vice President of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics & Developmental Biology (SCGDB). Previously, Merrill-Brugger was lauded with SCGDB’s 2019 Marylou Buyse Excellence in Craniofacial Research Award. Fight on!…Continue Reading Merrill-Brugger elected VP of SCGDB
Cover story from FaceBase Consortium
A new article on the FaceBase Data Hub graces the cover of the latest issue of Development. The project’s principal investigators are CCMB Director and University Professor Yang Chai and Carl Kesselman, Dean’s Professor at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and director of Informatics Systems Research Division at…Continue Reading Cover story from FaceBase Consortium
Cover story from Oldak Lab
Congratulations to the Oldak Lab on making the cover of Journal of Dental Research with their new study!…Continue Reading Cover story from Oldak Lab
New publication from Chai lab
Chen S, Jing J, Yuan Y, Feng J, Han X, Wen Q, Ho TV, Lee C, Chai Y.(2020) Runx2+ niche cells maintain mesenchymal tissue homeostasis through IGF signaling. Cell Reports, Accepted….Continue Reading New publication from Chai lab
Chai appointed University Professor
by John Hobbs The prestigious designation puts him in the company of fewer than 20 faculty members across USC. ASSOCIATE DEAN OF RESEARCH Yang Chai PhD ’91, DDS ’96 has been appointed a University Professor, making history as Ostrow’s first faculty member to achieve such distinction. The designation, held by fewer than 20 other faculty members across…Continue Reading Chai appointed University Professor
New cover story from Xu lab
The Xu lab made the cover of Cell Reports with their study “PRMT1-p53 pathway controls epicardial EMT and invasion” by Olan Jackson-Weaver, Nicha Ungvijanpunya, Yuan Yuan, Jiang Qian, Yongchao Gou, Jian Wu, Hua Shen, Yibu Chen, Meng Li, Stéphane Richard, Yang Chai, Henry M. Sucov, and Jian Xu. The beautiful cover illustration was designed by Olan’s…Continue Reading New cover story from Xu lab